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Addressing Top-of-Mind Issues in the Financial Management Community

The Society of Defense Financial Management (SDFM) and Guidehouse present “All Things Financial Management,” a podcast series centered on topics of interest to the financial management community in the Department of Defense and federal government.


Guidehouse Partner and host, Tom Rhoads, sits down with guests from DoD and industry to discuss all things under the auspices of the Comptrollers’ Office and address top-of-mind issues in the financial management community.


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Latest Episode

The Navy's Integrated Talent Management Approach, featuring Pete Bowman, Human Capital Branch Head at the Office of the Secretary of the Navy, Financial Management and Comptroller

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Featured Episodes


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The Navy's Integrated Talent Management Approach

Featuring Pete Bowman, Human Capital Branch Head at the Office of the Secretary of the Navy, Financial Management and Comptroller


A Meaningful Career in Government Audit

Featuring Tesa Lanoy, CFO and Comptroller of the U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM)


Cultivating A Strong Team Culture at FIAR

Featuring Calandra Layne, Director, Financial Improvement and Audit Remediation, Office of the Undersecretary of Defense Comptroller


The New Chapter for SDFM 

Featuring Rich Brady, CEO of The Society of Defense Financial Management


Featuring Greg Koval, Assistant Deputy Commandant, Resources, U.S. Marine Corps

Featuring Sue Goodyear, DLA Finance J8 Director and CFO and current President of ASMC's Washington Chapter


Army Audit Readiness Unveiling the Secrets of Internal Controls

Featuring Eulica Kimber, Director of Audit Readiness for Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology)


Transforming Financial Management and the Power of Collaboration

Featuring Debra Del Mar, Senior FM Systems Advisor, Office of Under Secretary of Defense for Financial Management/Comptroller


The Changing Landscape for Women in Leadership

Featuring Kim Laurance, Assistant Deputy Chief Financial Officer in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)


Discussing the Air Force's FM Strategic Plan

Featuring Carlos Rodgers, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Financial Management and Comptroller


The "Triple Play of Financial Management"

Featuring COL Samuel B. Glover II, Military Deputy for Resource Management Directorate (G8) at the Army Materiel Command


Leveraging Category Management at the Army Materiel Command

Featuring Christina Freese, Deputy Chief of Staff for Resource Management for the US Army Materiel Command


The Mission and Operations of the Defense Logistics Agency

Featuring Shawn Lennon, Deputy Chief Financial Officer of the Defense Logistics Agency

Effective Performance Management

Featuring Dr. Richard Beck and John O'Brien, co-authors of "Engaging the Organization in Effective Performance Management: Translating Vision into Results"

Financial Management Strategy of the Department of the Navy

Featuring Alaleh Jenkins, Acting Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller) and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller)

Future of the American Society of Military Comptrollers

Featuring Rich Brady, Chief Executive Officer of the American Society of Military Comptrollers

The Future of the Financial Management Workforce

Featuring Kirstin Riesbeck, Director of Human Capital & Resource Management for the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)


A Day in the Life: Pursuing the Army Audit Opinion

Featuring Kathryn VanScoy of the Army Materiel Command at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama


Leading Through Change: The Navy's Investment in their Financial Management Workforce

Featuring Mobola Kadiri, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy

Downgrading Material Weaknesses

Featuring Tina Pierce, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Financial Operations at the Department of the Air Force

Embracing Data Analytics within the OCFO

Featuring Stephen Roncone, former CFO at ICE


DoD Financial Management Strategy and Audit Efforts

Featuring Tom Steffens, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Department of Defense


Transformation of the Defense Health Program

Featuring COL John Lee, Deputy Chief Financial Officer of the Defense Health Agency


The Audit and Accounting Services of the Department of Defense

Featuring Wes Miller, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Operations


The Strategic Plan of the Defense Finance and Accounting Service

Featuring Audrey Davis, Director of the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS)


Cybersecurity Capabilities of the Department of Defense

Featuring Mark Hakun, Principal Director for Cybersecurity for the DOD, Office of the Chief Information Officer


Air Force Financial Management Initiatives

Featuring Stephen Herrera, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Financial Management and Comptroller


A Discussion of Enterprise Risk Management

Featuring Thomas Brandt, IRS Chief Risk Officer


Digital Transformation and RPA

Featuring Erica Thomas of the Office of the Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)


Change and Innovation for the Financial Management Workforce

Featuring Honorable Robert Speer, former Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller for the Army

About the Host

Disclaimer: This podcast and related materials do not constitute an endorsement of Guidehouse Inc. or any other non-federal entity. The opinions, anecdotes, and any other comments made by the presenter or interviewee do not represent any position of the United States Government, the Department of Defense, other components of the United States Government whether official or unofficial. Any opinions, anecdotes, and any other comments made by the presenter or interviewee are their own and are made in their personal capacity alone.

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