Tom Rhoads: Would you mind taking just a moment and share with us your background and maybe what brought you to your current position as the CEO of the Society of Defense Financial Management? Or maybe in other words, Mr. Brady, just share with us your story.
Rich Brady: Absolutely. Again, thanks, Tom. I spent 32 years in the Marine Corps, 32 years, seven months and one day to be exact. I like to always add that day on there because the Marine Corps saw fit to put that on my DD214, so it must have meant something. But started out as a prior enlisted Marine in the Marine Corps Reserves. Did that for four years before I got my commission and served for almost 30 years as a commissioned officer in the Marine Corps, retiring in 2021. Throughout my career, my primary MLS, Military Occupational Specialty, was financial management, so I did that intermittently throughout my career, but also had the opportunity to command at the platoon level, the company level, the battalion level, and at the O-6 level as well.
In the financial management field a couple of the key positions I had were the Comptroller for 3D Marine Division. I was the commander/director of the Marine Corps Financial Management School, and I was also the G8 Chief Financial Officer for Marine Corps Installations Command. I ended my career actually over the last four years in service as the commander of United States Military Entrance Processing Command or USMEPCOM. Most people who serve in the military know of MEPCOM through the MEPS stations, where all enlisted service members for all services must come through for their medical evaluations, their academic testing, their background checks, all of that work.
But when I retired in 2021 or was nearing retirement, I knew I was going to go back to financial management, and so I actually started talking to a lot of the audit advisory and consulting firms here in the D.C. area. I was wanting to move out of government into the private sector, and that was all moving along pretty well, and the opportunity at the American Society of Military Comptrollers came up. I went ahead and decided, I talked to a couple of folks, and decided to submit my resume and cover letter thinking, "Well, if nothing else, maybe I'll get a chance to talk to the board, talk to the search committee, and tell them where I think the association should go in the future." As they say, one interview led to a second, a second to a third and a third to a job offer so I guess they appreciated the vision that I laid out for the organization.
About SDFM: The Society of Defense Financial Management is the nonprofit educational and professional organization for individuals, military, civilian, corporate, or retired involved or interested in the field of defense financial management. SDFM promotes the education and training of its members and supports the development and advancement of the profession of defense financial management. The society provides membership, education and professional development and certification programs to keep members in the overall financial management community abreast of current issues and encourages the exchange of information, techniques, and approaches.
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