
Seek Business Champions Who Understand Strategic Value of Data

CDO Magazine Interview Series

By Robert Audet

Kim Weis, Chief Data Officer at North Dakota Information Technology, speaks with Bob Audet, Partner, Digital Solutions — Data at Guidehouse, in a video interview about the importance of data in building the AI strategy, best practices while developing the data strategy, proof of concepts, and delivering quick values to keep the momentum.

Weis begins by stating that North Dakota Information Technology has specifically laid the groundwork for defining its AI strategy along with its focus on a statewide data strategy. She notes that when the state realigned a year ago to better support AI, it brought together the automation, data science, and analytics teams to form an AI team. The strategy development began there, says Weis, and as the AI strategy was drafted, the agency also delved much deeper into the data strategy initiative. While working with AI and GenAI, it is critical to understand and be educated on the type of data that can be used, she adds.

Highlighting the various risk categories, Weis shares that the agency started some of its data efforts with just a data classification policy before initiating any data strategy. She maintains that this led to the realization that teams need to be educated on low, moderate, and high-risk data.

Watch the full interview below.

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