We are committed to a 100% renewable energy goal and to that end, we purchase renewable energy (RECs, GoOs, i-RECs) to offset 100% of the impact of our global electricity use (scope 2 emissions). On top of purchasing renewable energy we will reduce the energy use by implementing energy efficiency measures (scope 1 emissions).
A big part of our scope 3 emissions relates to business travel and accommodations for our consultants globally. We promote teleconferences and public transport to reduce the climate impact associated with business travel. We also purchase high quality certified carbon offsets (Gold Standard) to offset business travel in some instances. We aspire to set a target to cut or offset emissions from our use of commercial air flights. In addition, Green Teams promote climate reduction activities in our major offices.
Guidehouse’s carbon footprint has been developed in line with the requirements provided in the relevant standards of the GHG Protocol; namely, the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard and the GHG Protocol Corporate Value Chain Accounting and Reporting Standard. We have also committed to achieving Net Zero in Europe. In estimating our GHG footprint, we have included all offices, business travel and purchased goods in our assessment of environmental emissions, energy, water-use, and waste.
Learn about our commitment to achieving Net Zero: Carbon Reduction Plan
Reducing waste is important to Guidehouse and to our employees. The company has Green Teams across our offices which are implementing waste reducing measures on a local level. Measures currently include:
Guidehouse conducted a water risk assessment using the World Resource Institute (WRI) Aqueduct tool to make a high-level risk assessment of all our offices. An office was considered water-stressed if it was in a location categorized as high risk in the overall current water risk assessment of the Aqueduct tool. Guidehouse is using this assessment to apply water reduction measures in our offices with special attention to those offices in water stressed areas as noted below, such as low-flow toilets and water saving measures relating to kitchen devices.