Case Study

Fostering Multi-Level Collaboration for Climate Action Across Germany, Portugal, and Slovenia

Guidehouse supports the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety in promoting local climate action and climate education


Three Presidencies for Climate: Think European – Act Local (Three4Climate) supports the rotating presidencies of the Council of the European Union (EU). Germany took over the presidency during the second half of 2020. Together with the two following presidencies by Portugal (first half of 2021) and Slovenia (second half of 2021), the German government supports trilateral climate action with activities involving EU, national, and local actors. Policy developments at the EU level such as the European Green Deal need to be linked to the local level to spark ambitious climate action. To do so, the European, national, and local levels need efficient and direct channels for communication and exchange.



Guidehouse manages the Three4Climate project in a consortium of five partner organizations across Germany, Portugal, and Slovenia. The project is financed by the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU). Six cities and their schools participate in the project: Maribor, Kranj, Braga, Loulé, Bielefeld, and Radolfzell. 

Three4Climate provides a platform for local, national, and European decision-makers to connect and discuss important elements of climate action, understand each other’s interests and move toward a common understanding of challenges and potential solutions for a carbon-neutral future. 

The project includes various stakeholders and decision-makers relevant for climate action. It connects the governance levels both horizontally, between cities and schools from the three presidency countries, and vertically, from cities to the national level, up to the EU level.



The Three4Climate Campus, a virtual meeting series and study tours, allow municipal staff from participating cities to visit each other and learn about their climate initiatives and best practices. Teacher exchange visits provide the opportunity for learning and collaboration on successful integration of climate action into education. A vertical event will allow the local level to be connected all the way to the EU level. Finally, a competition for students with the option to win a train ride to the three countries will provide an opportunity for students to experience the importance of cross-country collaboration on climate action. 

Daniel Becker, Partner

Moritz Schäfer, Director

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